Join Dr Jane Barratt, Secretary General of the International Federation on Ageing at next week's In The Spirit Of Things conversation. She joins CEO of Meaningful Ageing Australia, Ilsa Hampton and President of the Older Women's Network, Beverly Baxter when we discuss Covid-19, Older People, Locked Downs, Spirituality, Meaning and Purpose, Self Care and more.
In The Spirit of Things Conversations are a community initiative during Covid-19. They are available free to watch for all Self Care Tribe Members.

About Jane Barratt
Jane M Barratt, Ph.D. is the Secretary General, International Federation on Ageing (IFA) an international non-government organisation with general consultative status with the United Nations and its agencies including formal relations with the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Representing over 75 million older people through the membership of the IFA, Jane has direct responsibility for the corporation’s global operational performance, quality and strategic implementation, and business development. This includes leadership at the United Nations Economic and Social Council in New York, Geneva and Vienna and the WHO.
Jane is a Winston Churchill Fellow and recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in Canada in recognition of her commitment and passion to enhance the understanding of issues relating to ageing and engaging in dialogue with governments and the private sector to improve the quality of life of older people.
Among her many current positions Jane is a Member of Vision Academy, Director, Baycrest Health Sciences and Chair of the Education Advisory Committee, Associate Scientist, Sinai Health System, Member, Global Committee for the DR Barometer Program, and Member of the International Council for Adult Immunisation.