The Crisis, Trauma, and First Response Program provides the basic and fundamental skills and knowledge needed in order to provide crisis and spiritual care to those people who have been impacted by an emergency, crisis, trauma, or disaster. Of course we can't prepare for every scenario but we all can prepare 75% of the way. That means having teams and crisis management plans in place to enact as required. WOW works with your internal crisis management team to deliver best practice human care that is trauma informed in times of extreme emotional turmoil. We also support your EAP services and psychological helpers as required.
About the Program:
The Crisis, Trauma, and First Response Program is offered as a live workshop and self-guided course. If you prefer, you can complete the work online at your own leisure. You will have up to 6 months to complete the program.
Learning Outcomes include:
Describe the training and role of trauma informed response in a crisis, presenting trauma, and as a first response
Identify the importance of ethics and its impact upon practice when responding to a crisis
Identify methods to obtain and employ knowledge of common beliefs and practices of unfamiliar cultures, religious/spiritual beliefs, or existential norms including coping, dying, and after death care of the body
Distinguish methods by which to identify vulnerable populations that are part of one's first response setting population cache in order to evaluate gaps in the provision of spiritual care
Explain effective listening habits and skills and a systematic method of listening behavior
Demonstrate an understanding of family systems theory
Articulate the process of Psychological First Aid
Demonstrate knowledge of currently accepted models of spiritual assessment and apply the models appropriately with clients and families
Effectively articulate the spiritual, religious cultural, existential, emotional, and social needs, resources, and risk factors assessed as well as identify any needed referrals
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of documentation and the place of confidentiality
Understand the conflicts that can occur following a death including those of families/families of choice, and associated communities and articulate appropriate interventions
Describe appropriate and effective spiritual care approaches to grief support
Articulate the chaplain's role in responding to mental health issues
Describe the appropriate procedures and best practices in death notification
Identify the steps in responding to a potential suicide attempt
Articulate the statements to avoid when working with families of completed suicide
Describe issues of spiritual distress that may be experienced as the result of an emergency and a disaster and appropriate interventions
Describe a typical command structure within a first response setting
Explain the typical roles and responsibilities of team members when there is a line of duty injury or death, including that of the chaplain
Articulate signs of stress experienced by first responders and their impact
Define compassion fatigue and burnout including their symptoms and appropriate interventions
Explain Critical Incident Debriefing as a tool for reduction of stress
Professional Chaplains,
Certificate Chaplains,
Spiritual Care Generalists, and Spiritual Care of Persons
Cultural Competence, Inclusion, and Vulnerable Populations
Communication and Counselling Skills
Spiritual Assessment and Documentation
Dying and Death
Grief, Loss, and Bereavement
Emergency and Disaster Incidents
First Response Specific Issues