Our In The Spirit Of Things Conversations are proving popular for our community during Covid-19. Our next story is a fascinating insight into soul injuries. We meet Deborah Grassman from Opus Peace.
Few people have been with 10,000 dying veterans; five VA hospice nurses have.
What these nurses witnessed is providing lessons for the rest of the world.
The lessons are about how to attain personal peace, and ironically, these lessons have come from people who were trained for war and from people who were dying.
The nurses discovered a phenomenon that has become identified as “Soul Injury®.” Led by Deborah Grassman, the five nurses left the VA to start Opus Peace, a non-profit organization with a mission of taking the Soul Injury® message to people who are not veterans and to people who are not dying.
These pioneering nurses now provide educational materials and selfhelp tools to help people learn how to self-compassionately connect with the part of self holding their pain and shame, allowing people to re-connect with their soul – with who they really are.
A Nurse Practitioner, Deborah Grassman is the author of two books, Peace at Last and The Hero Within.
She is a contributing author for four textbooks, has 25 published articles, and there are five documentary films featuring her work. Deborah directs the Opus Peace Institute where leaders are trained in how to provide programs that respond to Soul Injuries because, she contends, that 10,000 dying veterans have lessons the rest of us need to learn.