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Stuart Stuart and Supporting First Responders

Stuart Stuart is currently the Senior Chaplain in charge of Pastoral Care at Ambulance Victoria. He joins us on WOW's In the Spirit of Things Conversations.

Stuart was previously the CEO for the Victorian Council of Churches (VCC) Emergencies Ministry program, Victoria, Australia. The VCC Emergencies Ministry program is contracted by the Department of Human Services to provide an ecumenical response to disasters. There are currently over 1,600 certified Chaplains across the State.

Stuart is qualified as a Master of Emergency Management. He is a certified Social Worker, and has previously held registration as a Mental Health Social Worker with the Australian Association of Social Workers. He is also a certified member of the Critical Incident Management Australia. He is a qualified de briefer having spent 11 years with the Country Fire Authority as both a fire fighter and debriefer. He studied de briefing de fusion and demobilisation in 1996 and again in 2005.

Stuart has worked in the field of trauma for the past 30 years counselling victims of crime and transport accident patients. He has also been contracted by the Division of General Practice (GP’s) to provide clinical therapy for patients with depression, anxiety, stress and pain management issues. He has worked in both Government and non government positions in the past working with high risk communities.

From 1992 to 1998, Stuart worked with the Department of Human Services, initially as a Child Protective Officer and later as Manager of contractual arrangements with the non government sector. He then worked with Berry Street Victoria managing numerous programs supporting high risk adolescents, adolescent residential care services, youth & family mediation among others.

From 2001 to 2009, Stuart worked in a Secondary School in North West Victoria, supporting students, teachers and families experiencing stress, loss and family issues. He was significantly involved in supporting the community after an accident which claimed the lives of 6 young people in Mildura.

Stuart has responded to all major disasters in Victoria since 1993 including floods, fire, train accidents, plagues and large scale motor vehicle accidents. As part of Stuart’s portfolio, he is a member of the Department of Health & Human Services, State Social Health Relief & Recovery Sub Committee and the Emergency Management Victoria’s State Relief & Recovery Team.

Stuart was in Parish Ministry prior to his appointment as the CEO of VCC EM.

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