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ChurchiIll Fellowship Recipient, Rebecca Glenn To Speak At CXBank$

We are thrilled to announce that Rebecca Glenn will join our panels for CXBank$ Rebecca was named last week as a recipient of the 2019 Churchill Fellowship Cohort tasked with the objective of exploring service responses to women escaping domestic financial abuse and studying such responses in the USA, Canada and UK.

Rebecca is currently, Sightlines Associate, Economic Wellbeing at Domestic Violence Service Management

As part of the Sightlines team at Domestic Violence Service Management (DVSM), Rebecca works on the Insight Exchange initiative with a focus on economic abuse and the impact of domestic and family violence on economic wellbeing.

Insight Exchange centres on the expertise of people with lived experiences of violence and gives voice to these experiences. It is designed to inform and strengthen social, service and systemic responses to domestic and family violence.

Before joining DVSM, Rebecca worked at the Commonwealth Bank (CBA) where she developed the employee financial wellbeing program. She was also a member CBA’s Domestic and Family Violence Working Group. In that capacity, she worked with a range of experts to develop the Women’s Financial Wellbeing Guide and partnered with Domestic Violence NSW to produce the Addressing Financial Abuse Guide. She also led development of the bank’s first Financial Inclusion Action Plan. Before joining CBA, was founding CEO of not-for-profit organisation, Financial Literacy Australia.

CXBank$ is an online gathering being held on October 10, World Mental Health Day to discuss the intersection of Domestic and Family Abuse, Financial Abuse and Mental Health. The theme for this year's World Mental Health Day is Suicide Prevention. Tickets are free. Watch from any internet enabled device. Get your ticket here.

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